AAS provides a services for athletes to assure they are working at their highest potential mentally and physically. We offer a variety of programs for you, your client or your team. Even though many athletes believe that sports is 90% mental, most have little understanding of how their conscious and subconscious minds can drastically affect the game. Just as Olympic athletes have been doing for many years, we use the same techniques to provide our clients with an edge over the competition. We even provide programming to address personal life and relationship issues that can affect performance. The athlete’s head must be in the game!
Sports Hypnosis & Mental Training
Chronic Pain & Injury Relief
Hypnotherapy Services
Lifestyle Coaching for Athletes
Anger Management/Relationship Prog. for men S.H.A.R.E. (Stop Hurting and Respect Effectively)
Adult ADD/ADHD Services
Concussion Awareness & Training
Stress & Anxiety Management